Municipal Rates and Utilities Study

Water Rate Study

A water rate study is a detailed financial analysis designed to evaluate the cost and revenue needs of a water utility. Its primary purpose is to determine how much the utility needs to charge customers to cover its operating costs, capital improvement projects, emergency reserves, debt service, and other fiscal requirements, and to ensure equitable distribution of these costs among different customer classes

 Click Here for more information on the Water Rate Study 

Stormwater Rate Study 

A Stormwater Rate Study is a comprehensive assessment conducted by a specialized consultant (such as NBS in this case) to determine the financial viability, fairness, and cost-effectiveness of the rates charged by a stormwater utility. It involves detailed financial planning, cost-of-service analysis, rate design analysis and comparison with regional rates.

Click Here for more information on the Stormwater Rate Study

Wastewater Fee Study 

A wastewater rate study is an in-depth evaluation conducted by financial experts, in this case, NBS, to understand the costs associated with operating and maintaining a wastewater utility. The goal is to make sure that the rates customers are charged are fair and reflect the true costs of providing the service.

 Click Here for more information on the Wastewater Fee Study

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