Reinspection policy

A reinspection fee may be assessed on each inspection when work is not complete or when corrections
called for are not made (Community Development Fee Schedule/Resolution No. 2009-127). While the property owner may enter into a private agreement with the applicant to pay for reinspections fees, ultimately, the property owner will be held responsible for inspection fees. Each building permit provides for two inspections requests; additional re-inspections must be charged at the employee billable rate.

  1. A reinspection fee will be assessed on projects that are not ready for inspection. “Not Ready” means that the work was not sufficiently complete to accomplish the requested inspections. Also, a reinspection fee will be assessed when items listed on a “Notice of Corrections” have not been completed. For example, insufficient readiness could include a roof permit inspection requiring more than two visits to site due to multiple corrections.
  2. Should the building inspector determine that a reinspection fee is appropriate, a “Reinspection Fee slip will be left at your job site. No further building inspections will occur until the fee has been paid.
  3. Reinspection fee payments need to be made at the City of Rio Vista Building Division office at One Main Street at the Community Development counter. A minimum reinspection fee of $90.00 will be assessed. Please make your check in the amount of $90.00 payable to the City of Rio Vista. If you are paying cash, please have exact change.
  4. An inspection can be scheduled providing that the reinspection fee is paid by 8:30 am on the morning of the scheduled inspection.
  5. A canceled inspection will be accepted (if canceled by 8:30 am) the morning of the inspection.